Tuesday, August 9, 2022

What Causes Bipolar Disorder?

what causes bipolar disorder

While there is no single cause of the bipolar disorder, there are several environmental factors that trigger it, and these can interact with genetic predispositions. For example, early childhood trauma may have played a role. However, many people with the condition cannot attribute specific past events to the disorder. For this reason, no definitive answer has been reached yet. Here are a few theories to help you better understand this disorder:


There is considerable research on the possible role of environmental factors in the onset of bipolar disorder. Environmental factors may either trigger the disorder or help it to develop in the first place. In addition to genetics, certain environmental factors are also associated with an increased risk of developing bipolar disorder. The level of association between environmental factors and bipolar disorder varies between individuals. Fortunately, a large body of evidence suggests an association. Listed below are some of the environmental factors known to increase or decrease the risk of bipolar disorder.

Childhood trauma is a major factor in the onset of mood episodes in people with bipolar disorder. In addition, the effects of stress on mood episodes can vary from person to person. A stressful event may occur suddenly or may be triggered by a particular event. Examples of stressful events are death in the family, loss of a job, the birth of a child, moving, or undergoing a major medical procedure. The effects of childhood trauma can be very diverse and cannot be precisely defined.


Researchers have identified genetic differences that may be involved in bipolar disorder, a mental illness with familial similarities. Bipolar patients are more likely to carry gene variants that result in abnormally truncated or dysfunctional proteins in their genome. Other genetic variations are associated with a greater risk of schizophrenia, a related but different mental illness. The researchers hope that their findings will lead to more effective treatments for bipolar disorder.

The Mayo Clinic states that physical changes in the brain, an imbalance of brain chemicals, and inherited traits may contribute to the development of the bipolar disorder. Children who have an immediate family member with the disorder have a five to ten percent chance of developing severe forms. Potash and his colleagues studied eight families with a history of bipolar disorder for several generations, examining the DNA of all 36 members. This study provided new insight into how bipolar disorder is passed down through family generations.


The various sources of stress that can trigger a bipolar disorder episode can combine to create a releasing effect. Stressors can be biological, psychological, or social. Trauma, family stress, or problems at work can trigger mood episodes. Birth complications, depression, or viruses can also trigger them. Sleep deprivation and imbalances of brain chemicals can also contribute. Premenstrual syndrome, for example, is associated with increased depressive episodes among women.

One study examined the relationship between chronic stress and mood symptoms among 38 adolescents. Researchers examined whether higher levels of chronic stress were associated with less symptom improvement. The findings varied by age, gender, and illness subtype. They also considered whether chronic life stress and episodic stress affected the severity of mood symptoms. The results of this study are inconclusive but suggest that chronic stress may be a contributor to the severity of mood symptoms in bipolar youth.

Family history

In a recent study, researchers looked at the genetics of people with bipolar disorder and their immediate family members. They asked whether any first-degree relatives had bipolar disorder, depression, alcohol abuse, or committed suicide. People with a family history of bipolar disorder had an increased risk of developing the disorder when one or more of their first-degree relatives were diagnosed with the disorder. These findings suggest that family history is an important factor in determining the risk for a patient.

Although there are numerous risk factors for developing bipolar disorder, family history is a particularly strong predictor. The only other known predictor for suicide among people with this disorder is a family history of depression. Symptom-related factors include early onset of depressive symptoms and subsyndromal hypo/manic symptoms. For this reason, a family history of bipolar disorder should be considered when assessing a patient with a known family history of the condition.

Stress during pregnancy

Pregnant women suffering from bipolar disorder must prepare for motherhood well in advance. The pregnancy itself needs special preparation on both a physical and mental level. Many women with this condition delay having children for various reasons, including illness or instability. These delays can cause a lot of stress. Here are some ways to help prepare yourself and your baby for motherhood. 1. Learn how to cope with stress during pregnancy. Make sure that you're comfortable with your changing moods and body temperature.

During pregnancy, mothers may experience heightened levels of certain hormones that affect their ability to fight off disease. Although these hormones do not appear to be specific to bipolar disorder, it is possible that they can affect their offspring's immune system. There are several studies pointing to a link between maternal immune activation and the development of mood disorders in offspring. However, a causal relationship has not been established.

Environmental factors

The role of environmental factors in the development of the bipolar disorder is still not fully understood. Although environmental factors are known to influence the onset of psychiatric disorders, it is still not clear whether they can predict or prevent the development of the disorder. However, the available body of evidence suggests that environmental factors are related to the occurrence of bipolar disorder. Here we review the relationship between environmental factors and the development of the bipolar disorder.

Early childhood trauma may be a significant trigger for the onset of bipolar disorder and its clinical course. Bipolar patients with a history of trauma are more likely to have rapid-cycling episodes, psychotic features, and substance abuse. Although emotional abuse is often ignored in the literature, it is one of the most prevalent forms of adverse childhood experiences. Although findings on molecular biology are inconsistent, it appears that social support may influence the course of bipolar disorder. Low social support has been linked to increased relapses of symptoms.

Why Do I Have Insomnia?

why do i have insomnia

There are a few reasons why people suffer from insomnia. Some of these include a lack of sleep, hormone imbalance, stress, and the environment. Insomnia can be overcome by changing daytime habits. Read on for some of the most common causes. If none of these sound familiar, here are some things you can try. Here are a few:

Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation is a common problem among young children, teenagers, and parents. These people need at least 7 hours of sleep per night, but they often don't get it. Young adults, on the other hand, often have trouble sleeping because of school and work demands. People in their 65s are also at risk because they often don't get enough physical activity during the day. It's easy to see why these groups are at higher risk for sleep problems.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, many Americans have sleep problems at least a few nights a week. According to a study of 40 million adults, nearly half of them experience sleepiness severe enough to interfere with their daily activities. Another forty percent experience daytime sleepiness that prevents them from functioning at work and at school. But the sad part is that the majority of people with sleep problems don't seek medical attention.


Despite its widespread prevalence, sleeplessness remains a significant problem in our modern society. Research indicates that chronic stress can lead to poorer quality of sleep and increased risk of psychological disorders. Insomnia is linked to a number of physical and mental health problems, including depression, substance abuse, and social isolation. Luckily, there are ways to overcome insomnia naturally, without the need for drugs or surgery. Read on for some helpful tips. Listed below are just a few of the many ways that chronic stress can lead to insomnia.

Dealing with stress is an essential step to achieving a good night's sleep. Stress management can include proper nutrition, adequate exercise, meditation, and visualization. Taking a warm bath or yoga before bed can help reduce stress and improve sleep quality. You can also practice breathing exercises such as deep, controlled breathing. Some experts also recommend taking a warm bath before bed to relax your body and mind. Insomnia is a result of chronic stress, and addressing the causes of stress will improve sleep quality.

Hormonal imbalance

If you're not getting enough sleep, there's a good chance that you're suffering from hormonal imbalance. Whether it's too much estrogen or too little progesterone, an imbalance in these hormones can affect your sleep. Your body needs a balance of both to get a restful sleep. This means that sleep apnea or insomnia could be the problem. A hormone therapist can help you get back to a healthy sleep pattern.

If you think that your sleep is disrupted by your hormone levels, it might be time to see your endocrinologist. This doctor specializes in hormonal imbalances. Once your hormone levels are restored, you'll be able to get a good night's sleep. If you have trouble falling asleep, try starting a gratitude journal daily. This can help you relax before bed. After all, sleep is our body's way of healing itself.

Sleep environment

The sleep environment can play a huge role in determining how well you sleep at night. Many factors, from the temperature to the comfort of the mattress, can affect your sleep. But there are also internal factors that can affect how well you sleep as well, such as what you ate before bed and any medications you may be taking. Here are some tips for improving your sleeping environment. If you want to improve your sleep quality, make sure your sleeping environment is relaxing and dark.

Noise, light, and an uncomfortable mattress and pillow can all contribute to insomnia. To reduce noise, try using earplugs or using an eye mask. You can also block out light with blackout curtains or an eye mask. If you still have trouble sleeping, you can also try different mattress firmnesses and foam toppers. Your pillows should also provide enough support and comfort to keep you comfortable while you sleep.

Sleep hygiene

If you can't sleep well at night, it might be due to poor sleep hygiene. You may have a snoring bed partner or a watch that keeps ticking during the night. If this is the case, try to find a solution to stop snoring. Another possible reason is that you keep a clock in your room. Hide the clock before bed. If none of these ideas work for you, bookmark this page and read the tips regularly.

Good sleep hygiene is very important to our health. Not only does it help us get a good night's sleep, but it also helps us stay healthy during the day. By improving your sleep habits, you can have a more restful sleep. You can do this by establishing a daily sleep routine, sticking to a schedule, exercising regularly, making your bedroom dark and comfortable, and watching your diet.

Sleep medications

There are many prescription sleep aids available for chronic insomnia, but these drugs can be addictive and may worsen the condition over time. OTC (over-the-counter) sleep aids are safe to use, but are only suitable for a short period of time and should be used with other lifestyle changes. Chronic use can lead to dependence on these medications, making it difficult to get to sleep without them. As a result, it is important to consult a medical professional before beginning any medication for insomnia.

Other medications are available over the counter, such as antihistamines. Melatonin supplements help the body balance hormone and promote sleep. Generally, the older an individual is, the more likely she is to use prescription sleeping pills. But there are still many risks associated with these sleep medications, and it is important to discuss these risks with your doctor before taking them. If you have insomnia, your healthcare provider may suggest an off-label treatment like antidepressants.


Monday, May 16, 2022

What is a Psychiatrist?

The stigma among men in need, seeking out, and experiencing mental healthcare is real. Tragically, that stigma is harming and even killing men in need.

As guys, we’re pretty comfortable saying most of us have been there.

The good news, however, is mental healthcare continues to become destigmatized.  As mental healthcare stigmas continue to crumble, hope for better mental health among men is increasing. 

If you’re hoping to begin some form of healthcare for some kind of mental disorder, finding the right kind of care can be dizzying. 

Psychiatrists are just one in an array of therapists, psychologists, counselors, and other mental health professionals specifically trained to help folks with mental disorders. 

They have their own specialized practices and serve specific populations of people seeking help.

Want to know what exactly a psychiatrist is and when you should focus on finding one to help with your mental health issues? Read on.

What Is a Psychiatrist?

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who generally has a medical degree specifically in treating mental disorders. 

They’ve completed four years of medical school, as well as four years of psychiatry residency and even additional training that helps address an assortment of psychiatric disorders. 

Once they’re practicing, psychiatrists have an assortment of tools at their disposal to treat patients. Among them, psychiatrists can use psychotherapy, medications and psychosocial interventions. 

Further, psychiatrists can treat their patients' psychiatric and other mental health conditions with other methodologies, including electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).

It’s all about what your needs are as a patient and going from there.

Because they have a medical degree and plenty of clinical training, psychiatrists can prescribe medication to relieve — and even improve — your mental state. 

Above all, it’s their ability to prescribe medication that sets psychiatrists from others in the field of mental healthcare. This is a key difference between psychiatrists and other mental health professionals.

Psychologists, for example, don’t prescribe medications to patients.  Psychologists instead are trained in a variety of forms of mental care. Some practices include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, and behavioral therapy. 

What Do Psychiatrists Do?

Because of their extensive medical training — and our evolving, improving understanding of the brain and human behavior — psychiatrists increasingly have more ways to help their patients. 

Before you’re even talking prescriptions with your psychiatrist, however, they’ll do a thorough evaluation of your mental state — and your needs. 

What’s important is that your psychiatrist tailors their expertise to fit your needs. Part of the evaluation process is simply a psychiatrist listening to you and figuring out what your specific needs are at that given time.

Here are some of the ways psychiatrists help their patients:

Provide care and, consequently, relief and an improved mental state.

Create mental health treatment plans to help you help yourself, both with talk therapy and proper medication.

Work with you individually or, if necessary, with your partner, family, or someone else you want to include in your healing process.

Advice on ways of improving your day-to-day lifestyle.

Be a second opinion to that of a doctor, another medical professional, or confidant giving you advice.



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Why Would Someone See a Psychiatrist?

The reasons for seeking out professional help vary. Whether you're seeking adolescent psychiatry, adult assistance, or even geriatric psychiatry, there are always options available.

A patient may be undergoing a lifelong struggle with depression, or someone could simply be in a rut in which a professional helping hand is a way out. 

Most importantly, the reasons for seeking out help are never the same. The reasons for seeking out help are the patient’s business. It’s the psychiatrist’s job to respect the patient’s needs and to then deliver on their behalf.

Here are a few reasons people sometimes seek psychiatric help:

Challenges with anxiety.

Psychotic disorders.

Panic disorder.

Bipolar disorder.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

Sleep Issues.

Thoughts of hurting yourself.

Substance abuse.

Other assorted mental disorders and mental health conditions.

What Forms of Treatment do Psychiatrists Provide?

The mental health field encompasses an array of mental health disorders and mental health conditions. The field of psychiatry prepares professionals to effectively care for patients with an assortment of treatment methods. 

A primary reason for seeking out psychiatric help is to work with someone who can administer medication. Here are a few examples of the psychiatric medications they can administer:

Antidepressants — These can treat anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), borderline personality disorder, severe depression or other ailments, mood disorders, or anxiety disorders.

Antipsychotics — These medications can help with psychotic symptoms, such as: hallucinations, bipolar, schizophrenia, and others.

Sedatives and Anxiolytics — These can quell anxiety and insomnia.

Hypnotics — These can help you fall and stay asleep.

Mood Stabilizers — These are typically used to address bipolar disorder.

Stimulants — These are commonly used to help people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

While these methods for treating a patient seem scary or overwhelming, a psychiatrist has extensive knowledge of the effects of every treatment. 

What’s important if you’re working with a psychiatrist is that you evaluate — together — the treatment’s effects on your mental state.

What Is the Cost to See a Psychiatrist?

Like seeing any licensed professional, the cost of seeing a psychiatrist depends on many things — namely, whether you have healthcare coverage, and then the quality of your coverage. Other contributing factors can be where you live and your healthcare plan’s monthly premium.

Typically, your first appointment with a psychiatrist can be costly.  After your initial visit, however, the cost of regular psychiatric appointments is less.

How Can You Find a Psychiatrist to See?

Good news: you’re already on a website that can immediately find you a psychiatrist. You can use our online psychiatric evaluation to speak with licensed providers who can immediately help you in improving your mental state.

Atop Hims’ resources, there are several other ways to find a psychiatrist.

First, you can consult with your healthcare provider to find psychiatrists who are covered in-network to reduce the cost of your treatment.

Second, you can consult with friends and family you trust to find, healthcare professionals, to help you with your immediate needs.


Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Need For ADHD Awareness In Houston

The Need For ADHD Awareness In Houston

The Importance Of Raising ADHD Awareness Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, better known as ADHD, can have a tremendous impact on your life, as well as on the lives of your beloved ones. For a while now, October has been ADHD Awareness Month, a time to acknowledge and celebrate the progress and the efforts made in …

The Need For ADHD Awareness In Houston Read More »

The post The Need For ADHD Awareness In Houston appeared first on Online Psychiatrist Texas | Telemedicine | Adult ADHD Online | Aura MD.

Aura MD | Ashley Toutounchi, MD - Psychiatrist Houston - Online Telepsychiatry Texas
952 Echo Ln Suite 210, Houston, TX 77024, United States
QFJH+XR Hedwig Village, Texas, United States

How To Relieve Stress And Anxiety With These Two Proven Relaxation Techniques You Can Start Using Today

How To Relieve Stress And Anxiety With These Two Proven Relaxation Techniques You Can Start Using Today

How To Relieve Stress And Anxiety Stress and anxiety are no fun, especially when you feel like you have no control over what is happening to your body.  Even though sometimes we feel like nothing will help, there are skills that we can learn to alleviate anxiety and stress, and take back our lives!  Today …

How To Relieve Stress And Anxiety With These Two Proven Relaxation Techniques You Can Start Using Today Read More »

The post How To Relieve Stress And Anxiety With These Two Proven Relaxation Techniques You Can Start Using Today appeared first on Online Psychiatrist Texas | Telemedicine | Adult ADHD Online | Aura MD.

Aura MD | Ashley Toutounchi, MD - Psychiatrist Houston - Online Telepsychiatry Texas
952 Echo Ln Suite 210, Houston, TX 77024, United States
QFJH+XR Hedwig Village, Texas, United States

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

ADHD In Houston: How It Impacts Kids’ Life?

ADHD In Houston: How It Impacts Kids’ Life?

5 Things Parents & Teachers Need To Know About ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD impacts one out of 10 kids in America. Even with the disorder being relatively prevalent, there are numerous misconceptions that persist. To clear up the air, here are 5 things parents and teachers need to know about ADHD. The …

ADHD In Houston: How It Impacts Kids’ Life? Read More »

The post ADHD In Houston: How It Impacts Kids’ Life? appeared first on Online Psychiatrist Texas | Telemedicine | Adult ADHD Online | Aura MD.

Aura MD | Ashley Toutounchi, MD - Psychiatrist Houston - Online Telepsychiatry Texas
952 Echo Ln Suite 210, Houston, TX 77024, United States
QFJH+XR Hedwig Village, Texas, United States

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Inquiries to Ask Your Medical Professional Worrying ADHD

 As quickly as you confirm a medical diagnosis of ADHD, you can use medicine or one of the psychosocial treatments, mainly cognitive behavior modification. Often for grownups, drug contributes, yet cognitive therapy is rather valuable.

Adderall (amphetamine in addition to dextroamphetamine) is simply one of the many medicines for ADHD, and it ought to not be the simple one utilized for adults, he keeps in mind. Currently for grownups, there is one authorized nonstimulant, Strattera (atomoxetine), as well as likewise 5 accredited sustained-release stimulants-- two of which are Ritalin-based (methylphenidate) as well as 3 that are amphetamine-based (consisting of Adderall). Therapy approaches are made in partnership with your medical professional to find the very best drugs that are the greatest appropriate for you.

Healthy and balanced and also well balanced lifestyle modifications can in addition be helpful. ADHD can get from a well balanced, healthy and balanced diet plan program; sufficient hydration; obtaining enough rest; as well as also regulating high levels of caffeine if you jump on medication. Some mindfulness therapies can be rather functional in terms of leisure approaches.

Exactly How Can I Finest Keep Track of My Progression With ADHD?

You can track your ADHD symptoms by scaling the 18-item self-report listing that is an expansion of the ADHD screener. You can do this prior to therapy as well as repeat throughout your therapy to see where you go. If therapy is effective, you would intend to see a minimum of a 30 percent improvement in your total signs and symptoms, he keeps in mind.

Can ADHD Get Worse As I Age?

ADHD does not occur in a vacuum as signs and symptoms will change and also flux progressively. For females, menopause can occasionally worsen ADHD. Sometimes life alterations, such as relocating from an extra arrangement to a much less organized job, or being promoted as well as needing to manage others, will definitely have an impact on ADHD symptoms and signs. Or having actually a young person discovered with ADHD as well as recognizing your extremely own indicators.

For older adults with ADHD, the signs and symptoms as well as discussion are a little various, nevertheless there's not a large amount of compositions on the subject. With retired life, there is less framework, as well as signs and symptoms may come forward. There is a portion of literary works exposing that hyperactive-impulsive behavior might advance once again as people age. However you need to make certain it's ADHD as well as also not an additional cognitive disorder. If you're not specifically certain whether you have ADHD or one more problem, talk with your doctor. I assume if individuals are stressed that they have ADHD, they need to make a go with their medical professional as well as acquire reviews.

Aura MD | Psychiatry Providers

AuraMD has a team of well-trained as well as highly-experienced therapy providers who exceed in addition to beyond to aid people conquer day-to-day normal psychological health troubles. AuraMD is a psychiatry center and also among the leaders in Houston developed psychiatry for Grown-up ADHD, Anxiety and additionally Nervousness.

Our firm's purpose is to assist people live their best lives by providing remarkable, private mental healthcare that equips you to take control of their wellness. As the leading psychiatry medical professional office, we provide customized emotional treatments for every single customer.

It is essential to us that all our customers really feel protected as well as safeguarded when they relate to us for their mental health therapy.

What Causes Bipolar Disorder?

While there is no single cause of the bipolar disorder , there are several environmental factors that trigger it, and these can interact wit...